Upcoming Events

Train. Learn. Live.
Life can be challenging. It takes self-discipline, perseverance, and a positive mindset to succeed in today's society. Central Kyokushin Karate provides an ideal environment to develop core life skills and build strength, courage, and character.
Mon, Wed: 5-6pm, 6-7:30pm
Sat: 10am-12pm
Sun: Closed
427 N Main Street
Ellensburg WA 98926

Mon, Wed, 5-6 pm
For youths and adults with little or no prior experience who want to have fun, get fit, learn karate fundamentals, and develop lifelong values. Physical fitness, mental and behavioral training, basic techniques, and practical self defense are taught within a safe, supportive, and inspiring environment. Students develop greater concentration, increased stamina, strength, and flexibility as well as greater confidence and self-discipline. Ages 6-7 and up. Families welcome and eligible for discounted rates.

Mon, Weds, 6-7:30 pm, Sat 10 am - 12 pm
For students familiar with Kyokushin karate fundamentals, individuals with prior martial arts experience, competitive athletes, police and military. Highlights include rigorous physical fitness, applied martial and mental techniques, full contact fighting, and advanced self defense. Members build stamina, flexibility, self awareness, and the strength to never give up. Learning is customized to individual needs, supportive, challenging, and focused on holistic self improvement. Ages 10 and up. Families and groups eligible for discounted rates.

Quarterly, as scheduled
For women. Learn practical skills to avoid dangerous situations, react assertively, and overcome unwanted aggression. This hands-on seminar will build situational awareness, improve general fitness, learn defensive tactics, and build physical, emotional, and psychological strength. Training open to women ages 16 and up and all fitness levels.

One must try, everyday, to expand one's limits.
Sosai Masutatsu Oyama
Get Your Gear
Train hard and look your best while doing it. Osu!